Bumblebee is a character in the Transformers series of cartoons, movies, comics and computer games. He has been seen in many incarnations but always has similar characteristics. Bumblebee is a member of the Autobots who are autonomous robot beings from the planet Cybertron. Or robots for short, and pretty cool robots at that. Bumblebee is normally a yellow robot who transforms into a robot.
Bumblebee was first seen in the Transformers television cartoon series which aired in the 1980s. This cartoon is known as the Generation one of Transformers. The G1 Bumblebee transforms from a yellow Volkswagen beetle car into a robot just above the height of a human. Bumblebee becomes friends with a human boy named Spike Witwicky and his father Sparkplug Witwicky. Bumblebee is one of the main characters in the series and gets into lots of scrapes with Deceptijerks as he would call them. The G1 Bumblebee toy is a very small VW car. Once transformed into a robot the toy only looks a little bit like the cartoon robot.

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