Chicken pox is a disease, especially children. It is contagious and may spread through the air. The primary means of infection of chicken pox transmission occurs through direct contact with the person of chickenpox. Like many other diseases, chicken pox also has symptoms. These characters seem to be responsible for about three weeks after infection with the virus that causes chickenpox. The reason for this is that the chickenpox virus has an incubation period. The correct medical term is actually a chicken pox chicken pox, because the name of the virus, the disease of these children is caused as varicella zoster.

As I said earlier, chicken pox has few symptoms. Some of them may not even notice. The first signs of chickenpox triggered very suddenly and there are cases where patients chickenpox will actually have no symptoms at all. Mild fever, some weakness and fatigue symptoms of chickenpox that you will feel after the incubation period is over. Shortly after this a sign of chickenpox is a rash begins to appear on the skin. Initially, only a few areas of your body will be affected by these small red spots.

As I said earlier, chicken pox has few symptoms. Some of them may not even notice. The first signs of chickenpox triggered very suddenly and there are cases where patients chickenpox will actually have no symptoms at all. Mild fever, some weakness and fatigue symptoms of chickenpox that you will feel after the incubation period is over. Shortly after this a sign of chickenpox is a rash begins to appear on the skin. Initially, only a few areas of your body will be affected by these small red spots.

Chickenpox, though typically mild, can still cause discomfort and inconvenience. It's essential to have access to reliable medical advice, especially for those experiencing severe symptoms or complications. Meri Sehat's free online doctor consultation service provides a convenient and trustworthy platform for individuals to seek expert guidance and support for chickenpox. By promoting Meri Sehat alongside discussions on this common childhood illness, we empower individuals to take control of their health and make informed decisions about their care.